
Myron (webcamxtra) / News: Recent posts

New version of Myron fixing two important bugs.


- PC Users, Say goodbye to Quicktime and WinVDig dependencies! Say hello to blazing fast frame rates.

- The limited dimensions bug should be fixed. Go wild with the larger resolutions and let us know.

Posted by Josh Nimoy 2006-05-03

new release fixes 2 important bugs

JMyron and WebCamXtra version 0023 have been released. Two bug fixes you'll be interested in:

- The infamous DIRECTOR MEMORY LEAK is fixed. Please help me test this and report back if it works or doesn't work with your project!

- motion tracking works again. the retinaImage was looking psychedelic since version 2.0 and now it's fixed. That means all motion detection should work. Set adaptivity to higher than 0, and then watch the globs as they sense color change.... read more

Posted by Josh Nimoy 2005-05-27

JMyron 0022 - show stopper bug fixed

After a couple reports of crashing, and MaxOh pointing out that none of the globs were sticking around, I poked around in the CVS to find out that Parmendil's optimizations from way back had broken the glob tracking system! Okay, Myron has been rolled back and here is version 2.2 for you.

new version of JMyron, also works with Processing 0070 - 0090. please check it out and tell me if it works or doesn't work. particularly if it doesn't, but i still wanna know if it's working.... read more

Posted by Josh Nimoy 2005-05-24

JMyron Updated for Processing 0085 - 0090

A slightly new version of WebcamXtra / Myron is out, and it works with Processing 0085 through 0090 ! Please download this and try it out, and tell me if you are having trouble getting it to run. I have only actually tested it on 0090.

On that note, Java users who use Eclipse will now be able to properly import JMyron because it's in its own namespace. Hooray!


Posted by Josh Nimoy 2005-05-23

Developers Wanted!

WebcamXtra/Myron, an open source vision tracking project is looking for C++ developers who know things like the Quicktime API and the DirectShow video input API to help us get this project to a new level of supported users. Please contact us by email. Thanks

Posted by Josh Nimoy 2004-10-31

welcome to WebCamXtra 2.0 MYRON

version 2.0 answers many popularly requested features, including unlimited image sizing, cross platform, Processing, faster frame rate, and more sophisticated computer vision!

Posted by Josh Nimoy 2004-03-18