
WebCamApplet / News: Recent posts

Cross Browser Compatibility Release

The latest alpha 0.1.1 release now supports the Microsoft VM as well as the Java Plugin.

See the compatibility table on the Home Page and please do let me know if you have any trouble.

Posted by Paul Sidnell 2002-12-13

First Release Available

The first pre-alpha (you have to start somewhere) code is available for download and there is an example on the home page.

It works if you have the Java Plugin 1.4.1 installed:

Other configurations have yet to be tested.

So much to do...

Posted by Paul Sidnell 2002-12-11

Getting up to speed...


Well, the project is off to a start, but this is my first source forge progect so excuse all the missing stuff...

A basic WebCam applet has been submitted to CVS with some JavaDoc within it that should help you get up and running.

My next priority is to set up the home page and get some examples and documentation up there.

Once the basic structure is in place I'll start posting some jobs so drop me a line if you're interested (psidnell at
The biggest job ahead is to get good browser compatibility. The current applet is great in appletviewer and the latest JavaPlugin but crashes and burns in a naked IE browser.... read more

Posted by Paul Sidnell 2002-12-10