
WebCalendar Wiki Home

Craig Knudsen

Table of Contents

WebCalendar Wiki Intro

WebCalendar is a web-based calendar application. It is a feature-rich and reliable application that has been developed and maintained since 1999. You can configure it as a single-user calendar, a multi-user calendar for groups of users or as an event calendar viewable by visitors. The purpose of this wiki is to allow WebCalendar users to provide feedback to the WebCalendar community. Did you find that the core WebCalendar documentation didn't cover something you were trying to do? If so, then add the documentation to this wiki.

About The Old Wiki...

This wiki will replace the wiki hosted on Unfortunately, that wiki was constantly overrun with spam postings and is now read-only. Hopefully, this wiki will fare better. Content from the old wiki needs to be migrated over.

Feel free to add content to the wiki. Or, you can copy over content from the old wiki. I haven't found an automated way to do this anywhere, so it looks like copy and paste will have to do...

Security Notice

Various version of WebCalendar have been found to have security vulnerabilities, some of them severe. Any version prior to 1.2.5 is vulnerable and should be updated as soon as possible if it is publicly accessible. To stay current on any future security issues found in WebCalendar, please consider subscribing to the webcalendar-announce mailing list.

Installation & Documentation

Most users will want to start here.

  • WebCalendar System Administrator's Guide: This document tells you how to install and configure WebCalendar. This document is included in every WebCalendar release.
  • WebCalendar User's Guide: This is the end user's guide. This is not included with each WebCalendar release because of its size. Note that this is out-of-date at this point because it was based on an older release, but most of it still applies.
  • WebCalendar FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions such as "I forgot my admin login, can I reset my admin password?"
  • WebCalendar README
  • Upgrading Instructions
  • ChangeLog: Provides the complete list of changes to each release of WebCalendar since the very first release.

System Requirements

  • PHP 5 or later
  • A database and the associated PHP database driver. For example, to use MySQL your PHP will need to have the PHP MySQL module enabled. (The WebCalendar installer will detect which database drivers are configured for your PHP installation.) You will need to know the database name, login and password to complete the install.
  • Access to a cron-like system to enable email notification reminders (see install instructions for details).

Feature List

  • Cross platform: supports any operating system that supports PHP 5: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, etc.
  • Supports all major web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.
  • Internationalization: Support for many languages (40+), each with varying degrees of completion. (See translation status).
  • Web-based installer requires minimal technical experience. Simply install the unzipped WebCalendar distribution on your web server's document directory, point your browser to the right URL for your server, and follow the web-based installation process.
  • Multi-user calendar: Each user has their own calendar. User's can create their own events and invite other calendar users as participants.
  • Shared calendars: A shared calendar ("NonUser calendar" in WebCalendar terminology) can be used to manage resources like a meeting room. Alternately, the shared calendar could be a common holiday calendar that users can overlay onto their own calendar (using "layers").
  • PUblic event calendar: The event calendar can be viewed by anyone (no login required) while managed by you (the administrator). The public can submit events for your approval (option). A simple list of upcoming events can be included within any page on your website.
  • Simple UI customization: The color scheme can be customized to match your website's color scheme. You can surround the calendar with navigation elements for your site and use your site's CSS.
  • Importing events: Events can be imported in iCalender format or CSV (exported from Outlook).
  • Multiple views: Use month, week or day view. Many more custom views and reports are also available.
  • RSS: Any calendar can optionally be accessed via RSS.
  • iCalendar: Any calendar can optionally be accessed via iCalendar subscriptions. This allows iCalendar-compliant client applications like Apple iCal, Mozzila Sunbird/Lightening, and k5n Desktop Calendar. Note that you can manage your calendars with these clients also with some limitations. (More info coming soon on this.)
  • User access control: The optional advanced user access control permissions system also fine control of permissions.
  • Email notifications: Notify users via email of new events on their calendar. Configure an email reminder for each event.
  • Repeating events: Use sophisticated repeating event options that leverage most of the iCalendar specification's features (unlike many other calendars which only support very simple repeating events.) Override a specific instance of a repeating event, or remove occurrences of the repeating event.
  • Multiple timezone support: Each user can specify their own timezone and times for events will be converted.
  • Custom event fields: Add your own fields (address, point of contact, etc.) to all events. (See documentation on how to do this.)
  • Full audit log of all user actions.
  • Many more...



Wiki: Setting Up An Event Calendar
Wiki: Setup Multiple Public Calendars
Wiki: Updating a Translation