
#609 webcalendar 1.2.7 for php7

php 7.0 (1)
Paul Heeg

I updated webcalendar 1.2.7 for php7
Any lines with PHP_old are comments on what had to be changed.
Hope it may be useful to help this good project to keep running.

1 Attachments


  • zoki

    zoki - 2017-05-23

    Hi, I'd like to continue using WebCalendar too !
    But I'm not comfortable with php (coding in general)
    I uploaded your patch 1.2.7a over my 1.2.7 installation
    it continues working with php 5.6 but not with 7.1
    Do I miss something to do ?
    Thanks for some help, and Thanks keeping Webcalendar live !

    • Bryan Kowal

      Bryan Kowal - 2017-06-27

      It didn't work for me at first after uploading the 1.2.7a files. I had to make the following change in \includes\settings.php:

      db_type: mysql


      db_type: mysqli

      I'm using PHP 7.0.19 so I don't know if this will work for you.

      • Barbry

        Barbry - 2017-06-27

        I use also PHP 7.0.18 with 1.2.7c files (found somewhere in this forum)
        You have to change all the calls to mysql for mysqli in the sources files, commnent all calls to magicquote.
        Install don't work for me, but, after creating database with the sql files, my calendar works fine.

  • Barbry

    Barbry - 2017-05-26

    I find it very unfortunate that this application is not updated, (especially for php 7) because it is a very good application and its development had certainly take a long time.
    I tried to change but I'm not good enough to do it !

  • Craig Knudsen

    Craig Knudsen - 2017-06-18

    Apologies for the late respones. I am moving the project over to github:

    I am still using PHP 5.6 since that's what Mac OS is still using. Feel free to post a pull request for PHP7 support. I'd also recommend tying out the craig-dev-1.3 branch which has the latest development code.

  • Rob Walters

    Rob Walters - 2019-03-30

    I know I'm late to the party here, but the zip file really saved me some time, thanks Craig. How's the rewrite going for webcalendar?


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