
Can only login as admin and can't create users

  • Tindur

    Tindur - 2017-11-09

    I installed WebCalendar and now I can only login as admin. Instructions tell me to klick a link at bottom of the page to create users but there are no links there. What have I missed?


  • pK

    pK - 2018-03-24

    Hi Robert

    I recently upgraded an existing install of Webcalendar and I had the exact same issue. Sorry for the late reply, but hopefully this helps if you are still stuck or want to revisit the issue. I'm not sure what happened so I believe there is a bug in the upgrade or install but using the steps outlined below I was able to finally reset the admin password and then I could login.

    I first had to delete the exisisting admin account that I couldn't login with, then I recreated it with a password that I knew and could then login as admin. Then I was able to re-assign another user the admin privelages that were also lost during the upgrade.

    Please note though that I think the new database name is no longer "webcalendar", so adjust these commands accordingly when using the command line "mysql" utility to make these changes.

    mysql -u -p

    use webcalendar; <----change this if your database isn't named "webcalendar"!

    DELETE FROM webcal_user WHERE cal_login = 'admin';

    INSERT INTO webcal_user ( cal_login, cal_passwd, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_is_admin ) VALUES ( 'admin', ‘some-new-excellent-password’, 'Administrator', 'Default', 'Y' );

    The admin user has now been re-added and the username/password are admin/some-new-excellent-password.


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