
The WebBrewery / News: Recent posts

The WebBrewery 1.0 has been released

The WebBrewery is a tool for easy and powerful creation of HTML pages based on hand-crafted HTML source files. It is targeted at web designers, which want to keep total control about their HTML code and don't need WYSIWYG.

The WebBrewery 1.0 is the first public release. It's stable code that has been in use for quite some time, although it certainly can benefit from more people testing it.

For more information have a look at the WebBrewery home page at

Posted by Cornelius Schumacher 2000-09-04

Initial Checkin

The code of the WebBrewery has been checked in to CVS. It is a working development version, stable and documented but definitely in development state. If you feel adventurous, have a look.

Posted by Cornelius Schumacher 2000-08-02