
#492 Usermin For Webmail Slow Loses Browser Connection Since Update from 1.830



Since upgrading to usermin-for webmail 1.832 from 1.830 using Authentic Theme the usermin is very slow after performing an email or marking spam etc. Even clicking on theme configuration on some browsers causes the connection to server is lost. The bar graph continues to go across inbox like it is doing something.

Going back to 1.830 resolves all issues.

The 1 item we notice is a ton of these that repeat in miniserv.log

"POST /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

We do not use any "Message of the day" is that what motd is?

This was never on the previous version.

This seems to happen on systems with webmin installed only no virtualmin not sure if that is a factor?

Thank You,


Usermin Bugs: #492


  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-12-01

    Hi, Eric.

    If you open browser console and its network tab, how often those XHR requests happen?

    • Eric

      Eric - 2021-12-01


      I did not go this far in browser but the previous version never had these
      lines in the log file? Tons per second are showing up in miniserv.log log

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:01 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:02 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      01/Dec/2021:08:29:02 -0800] "POST
      /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11



      From: Ilia []
      Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2021 10:42 AM
      To: [webadmin:usermin-bugs]
      Subject: [webadmin:usermin-bugs] #492 Usermin For Webmail Slow Loses Browser
      Connection Since Update from 1.830

      Hi, Eric.

      If you open browser console and its network tab, how often those XHR
      requests happen?

      Usermin For Webmail Slow Loses Browser Connection Since Update from 1.830

      Status: open
      Group: 1.832
      Created: Wed Dec 01, 2021 04:41 PM UTC by Eric
      Last Updated: Wed Dec 01, 2021 04:41 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody


      Since upgrading to usermin-for webmail 1.832 from 1.830 using Authentic
      Theme the usermin is very slow after performing an email or marking spam
      etc. Even clicking on theme configuration on some browsers causes the
      connection to server is lost. The bar graph continues to go across inbox
      like it is doing something.

      Going back to 1.830 resolves all issues.

      The 1 item we notice is a ton of these that repeat in miniserv.log

      "POST /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      We do not use any "Message of the day" is that what motd is?

      This was never on the previous version.

      This seems to happen on systems with webmin installed only no virtualmin not
      sure if that is a factor?

      Thank You,

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Usermin Bugs: #492

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-12-02

    I did not go this far in browser but the previous version never had these
    lines in the log file?

    This is a new feature to get messages by users from admins.

    Authentic Theme the usermin is very slow after performing an email or marking spam etc. Even clicking on theme configuration on some browsers causes the connection to server is lost.

    I think I know what causes an issue on your side. Although this must never happen by default and the key factor which would lead to causing this is disabled Background Status Collection on Webmin side. Later an admin would need to go to theme theme configuration and save something.

    I will make a sanity checks for the next small release to make it fail proof.

    I bet that if you open a browser's console, and type settings_side_slider_background_refresh_time it will return 0 -- this is the bug in-fact and the culprit of the problem. I made those sanity checks before in other parts of the code but have completely missed it this time, when adding this new feature.

    Before the new release happen, the solution for you would be is to copy/paste and run in the browser's console the following:

    settings_side_slider_background_refresh_time = 5;

    I am sorry about that!

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-12-02

    .. or you can update theme with the latest development version to fix it for all users with ease.

    • Eric

      Eric - 2021-12-02


      Ok yes we disable the background status collection for webmin. We also have
      the virtualmin one disabled for boxes running virtualmin fyi.

      If we download usermin for webmail rpm/tar file again now will this have new
      bug fixes in it or are you going to increment the version to 1.833?



      From: Ilia []
      Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2021 2:19 AM
      To: [webadmin:usermin-bugs]
      Subject: [webadmin:usermin-bugs] #492 Usermin For Webmail Slow Loses Browser
      Connection Since Update from 1.830

      .. or you can update theme with the latest development version to fix it for
      all users with ease.

      Usermin For Webmail Slow Loses Browser Connection Since Update from 1.830

      Status: open
      Group: 1.832
      Created: Wed Dec 01, 2021 04:41 PM UTC by Eric
      Last Updated: Thu Dec 02, 2021 10:12 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody


      Since upgrading to usermin-for webmail 1.832 from 1.830 using Authentic
      Theme the usermin is very slow after performing an email or marking spam
      etc. Even clicking on theme configuration on some browsers causes the
      connection to server is lost. The bar graph continues to go across inbox
      like it is doing something.

      Going back to 1.830 resolves all issues.

      The 1 item we notice is a ton of these that repeat in miniserv.log

      "POST /xhr.cgi?type=file&action=motd&subtype=receive HTTP/1.1" 200 11

      We do not use any "Message of the day" is that what motd is?

      This was never on the previous version.

      This seems to happen on systems with webmin installed only no virtualmin not
      sure if that is a factor?

      Thank You,

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Usermin Bugs: #492

      • Ilia

        Ilia - 2021-12-02

        If we download usermin for webmail rpm/tar file again now will this have new
        bug fixes in it or are you going to increment the version to 1.833?

        I think it will be right to make a new release, although a minor one will work just fine for this.


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