Hi all!

I am running Usermin 1.710 with Webmin 1.840 on Debian.

I would like to change the module categories as well as the module titles. (in fact i want to take custom commands and call it sth like "NewModule", being available in a new category "NewCategory").
These things work perfectly for webmin; but for Usermin it is not working.

If I go to "Usermin Configuration" and want to add a new category within "Edit Categories"; after doing this and submitting the change, I always get the error message "Failed to save categories : Missing description for apps". The error text itself changes randomly. Sometimes it is not "apps", but "webmin", or any other category.

Concerning the module titles: I can choose a module and enter a new title there, but after submitting this the change does not take any effect.

Does anyone has a hint on how these problems might be solved?
