
ssl redirect domain missing

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2020-10-27

    Hi, Ronny.

    The only reason why this might be happening if Apache SSL website enabled? is not enabled on Edit Virtual Server page for domain that is getting wrong "redirect". However, you rather see default's domain home page, rather than get a full URL re-write?

    Otherthan that, check Services > Configure Website > Edit Directives page and if you have any redirects set. You could also use Server Configuration > Website Redirects page for doing effectively the same.

    • Ronny Preiss

      Ronny Preiss - 2020-10-28

      Hi Ilia,

      there is no option lik Apache SSL website enabled.
      There is no apache webserver installed.

      I've only installed the following services (server).

      • BIND DNS Server
      • Read User Mail
      • Squid Proxy Server
      • SSH Server

      To install webmin I followed this guide:

      Greetings Ronny

  • rj elleray

    rj elleray - 2020-10-27

    I think ronny is referring to the webmin server ssl redirect, rather than apache

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2020-10-27

    Duh! xD You're right, R! My bad, sorry, misread it.

    @Ronny - it's easily doable using Webmin Configuration > Ports and Addresses and setting Web server hostname. If set it will use the defined one, upon redirect.

  • Ronny Preiss

    Ronny Preiss - 2020-10-28


    I've got it. Thanks for this usefull hint.

    How can i mark this issue as resolved?

    Best regards



    Last edit: Ronny Preiss 2020-10-28
  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2020-10-28

    I've got it. Thanks for this usefull hint.


    How can i mark this issue as resolved?

    It's a discussion, I don't think you can close it.


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