
/webmin-2.000/authentic-theme/stats.cgi uses at least 14% CPU slowly increasing up to 25%

  • medconsulting

    medconsulting - 2022-11-24

    The dashboard CPU graphics shows over the day a gradual increase of the
    green cpu load which goes up to 50%cpu usage, then it declines towards
    zero and starts increasing again.
    I noticed that /webmin-2.000/authentic-theme/stats.cgi uses a lot of cpu
    (14% after reboot) up to ca. 25%.


    My Configuration:
    Webmin 2.000 on Ubuntu 20.04.5, all packages up to date.
    Apache 2.4.41

    Any idea why or how to change it?


  • sqwuade

    sqwuade - 2022-11-25

    What do you see in htop Andreas?

  • Ilia Ross

    Ilia Ross - 2022-11-25

    Also, do you have a lot of external drives (perhaps large) connected?

  • medconsulting

    medconsulting - 2022-11-25

    I can't htop:
    [resu@msvmmedcon001 ~]# htop --delay 5
    Error opening terminal: unknown.
    [resu@msvmmedcon001 ~]#

    I have no external drives connected (it's a VM).

  • Ilia Ross

    Ilia Ross - 2022-11-25

    You are running htop in the old command shell, which isn't interactive shell. A new upcoming Webmin 2.010 will have a new interactive Terminal module.

    For now, you should SSH to your server and run htop.


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