
Not detecting updated OS

Jeff H.
  • Jeff H.

    Jeff H. - 2014-01-19

    Webmin was installed along with PIAF on CentOS 6.4 and showed the OS version properly. I updated the OS via Webmin one day when it said there were several hundred updates to run. The OS has been updated to 6.5 and indicates that everywhere except in Webmin.

    I've done searches for solutions already, but they all keep saying to go to select the box that says use updated OS, but I do not have that option, only to manually change the OS version.

    It's doing this on 4 different physical machines as well as 2 virtual machines.

    Is there a way to make it rediscover the current OS? I am running Webmin 1.67




    Last edit: Jeff H. 2014-01-19
  • gandolf

    gandolf - 2014-02-20

    it could be that your os version update was not properly recorded. i forget which file webmin reads on this, but check that file.


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