
Letsencrypt certificate not automatically renewed, now can't access Webmin

  • Richard

    Richard - 2019-10-09

    Webmin says it will automaticially renew Let's Encrypt certs but it didn't and my certificate expired yesterday. Now I can't access Webmin. Chrome reports ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID even though I manually renewed the certificate. I think the problem is that certbot installed the new certificate in a place different from where Webmin expects. The new cert is here: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    I can access my web pages and when I do Chrome shows the new cert's valid dates but all attempts to reach Webmin on the webmin port fail with the date invalid message. I've restarted Apache. I've restarted Chrome. No change. How do I manually edit the Webmin configuration to point to the new cert?

  • Roman Adyev

    Roman Adyev - 2022-05-31

    I have the same problem and have no solution. Latest version of webmin (v. 1.991)
    I would like to troubleshoot the issue. Somehow Webmin doesn't' renew letsencrypt cert.


    Last edit: Roman Adyev 2022-05-31
  • Ilia Ross

    Ilia Ross - 2022-05-31

    Can you show the screenshot of how it looks?

    You can temporarily disable SSL for Webmin using ssl=0 in /etc/webmin/miniserv.confand restarting Webmin manually.

    Also, if you use Chrome, it's possible to bypass SSL certificate error screen by typing thisisunsafe.

  • Roman Adyev

    Roman Adyev - 2022-06-01

    Nice to hear from you, Sir.
    I have no problem to bypass SSL, I can easily login via SSH and change Webmin config to http.
    The real problem is that Let's Encrypt cert doesn't renew itself automatically. Idk how to troubleshoot this issue.

  • Ilia Ross

    Ilia Ross - 2022-06-08

    @jcameron Jamie, do you know what could be wrong?


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