
#5517 /status /edit_sched.cgi does not open

Harry F

“Scheduled Monitoring” interface does not load at all.

What should happen: interface [loads as show in the docs].(

What happens: Error 200 shows in the console.

See previous report:

And see community forum thread:


  • Harry F

    Harry F - 2021-10-31

    Screenshot here:

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2021-10-31

    Does it work if you switch to a different Webmin theme?

  • Harry F

    Harry F - 2021-10-31

    Yes, thank you! The grey legacy theme seems to work!

  • Harry F

    Harry F - 2021-10-31

    Changing back to the modern theme afterwards, and it hasn't solved the problem, but for now there is a workaround.

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-10-31

    Do you think this could be related?

    The guy eventually said that he needed to try in incognito mode to make the problem go away.

    Otherwise, I'd be interested remotely logging in to understand the peoblem.

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-10-31

    Oh, wait. It was you "that guy" 🙂 Okay.

  • Harry F

    Harry F - 2021-10-31

    Sorry, Illa. It's me! I still think there is an issue here, as all the other modules were working perfectly fine and always have! It seemed to start after doing an apt upgrade of 80+ packages.

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-11-01

    It seemed to start after doing an apt upgrade of 80+ packages.

    Perhaps, Webmin hasn't been restarted properly? Did that 80+ packages update include Webmin update?

  • Harry F

    Harry F - 2021-11-01

    Yes, and the instance rebooted a few times since successful updates.

  • Ilia

    Ilia - 2021-11-01

    It seems to me as a bug in one of the browser's extensions. Let's continue discussion on a thread in Virtualmin forums.


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