
#4006 Cut/Copy/Paste from local editor (gedit) to applet editor


Cut/Copy/Paste works fine within applet editors. Example: Open multiple files in editor and Cut/Copy/Paste works fine. However, Cut or Copy text from outside source (gedit,websites,...) and try to Paste it to applet editor does not work.

Server OS: Debian 5
Webmin Version: 1.570
Local OS: Ubuntu 10.10
Browser: Firefox 7.0.1
Java Plug-in: Sun 1.6.0_26


  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-10-17

    This isn't really something Webmin can control - Java has full control over copy and paste, and may limit pasting into applets for security reasons.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-10-17
    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
  • NICLab Consulting Group

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I understand that unsigned applets have restricted access to user's clipboard, however signed applets will be able to access clipboard content. Will you be able to point me to a right direction as to where could I override this settings, or if you plan to release signed applet. Truly yours.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2011-10-27

    I'll look into getting the applet signed .. that seems like the best fix.


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