
#171 Extremely high CPU load


We are running smoothly few webservers with Webmin
since 0.68 or something like this :)
mostly RH6.1/2.2.19/Celeron600/256Mo RAM/Sendmail8.9.3
Never any serious trouble with any version before :)

But recently after upgrading from 0.85 to 0.87
very often (not really every time!) when trying to use
Sendmail module and specially Virtusers script
(and sometimes also when editing local domains)
immediately after clicking on this icon we get
suddenly extremely high CPU load (up to 18.0-20.0 !)
and everything is frozen for few minutes; you don't
even get the virtusertable display.

Then after 4-5 minutes CPU load is going back down
very fast and everything becomes OK even to use
this sendmail module.

What could be the reason of this extremely high
and fast growing CPU load ?
Some changes in perl code from 0.85 to 0.87 ?
Other processes already running ?
When you look on running processes you can see
only new "[perl]" processes with very high CPU load
but not webmin processes.

We have the same strange behaviour on 3 different
servers which have very low CPU daily load average
(not more than 0.10).

Do you have any idea how to solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance for your time.



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    We have had the same problem for some time on over 20
    systems. I have the feeling its to do with accessing via
    the server index, or SSL, or both. Try accessing directly.

    We have noted this fault has been logged many times before,
    with no fix.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I seem to have the same problem on my 2 Sun and 3 Linux
    boxes (SUN 5.8 and Linux Redhat 7.3 with Webmin 1.050)

    Any chance that this might be fixed? ANy idea of the cause?


    Andre Verheij

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same problem here!
    Webmin 1.130 (on Redhat Linux Fedora 1)

    We just set up virtual users and it's been at 95+ CPU% for 45
    minutes now... Gonna kill it but is there any chance of fixing
    this bug?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Btw, I just see that the main problem is:
    which is using the CPU time.


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