
pb installation

  • Daniel Durand

    Daniel Durand - 2008-02-15

    I didn't succeed to install notetaker. I met some problems to install the database.
    It could be nice if you can make an automatic installation process with a page on which we enter the parameters...
    Thanks in advance,


    • Bo Ahlberg

      Bo Ahlberg - 2008-02-17

      The auto install is in process... After another bit of code improvement comes the installation procedure. If things go well... I'm looking at about a week before the install procedure will be in place.

      If you can tell me what the problem was, perhaps I can provide a fix for you.

    • Daniel Durand

      Daniel Durand - 2008-02-18

      I red the help below
      "1/ Copy the folder to the appropriate webserver directory.

      2/ Use phpMySQL to create the user account to access the database
      I have a database created but I leave it for the moment with user "root" and no password

      3/ Install the database from the notetaker.sql script in the install subdirectory.
      What , How I do this ?

      4/ Edit the include/constants.php file to have use the mysql account info.

      thanks in advance

    • Bo Ahlberg

      Bo Ahlberg - 2008-02-19

      To install the DB.
      Using phpMyAdmin:
      1. Select the notetaker db you created. Then,
      2. Click on the "Import" tab.
      3. In the "File to import" control group, click the "Browse" buton. Then
      4. Browse to the location where the notetaker.sql file is located.
      5. Click the okay/submit button

      Then every thing should work fine.

      Note: looks like I injected a small syntax error in the SQL file. I have the fix ready but I'm not in a location where I can upload the change until about 18.30 (GMT-8)  The fix to the file is simple and can be done quickly. At line 147 of the notetaker.sql file the line terminates with a comma when it should be a semi-colon. The line reads:

      (5, '2008-02-07 11:43:50', 1, 'boture', 2, 'this is a test requirement'),

      and should read

      (5, '2008-02-07 11:43:50', 1, 'boture', 2, 'this is a test requirement');

      Also, I've found an installation framework that fits my needs and I'm in the process of integrating it into the application at this time. This, plus some other changes should be posted up this coming weekend (by 2/24).

    • Daniel Durand

      Daniel Durand - 2008-02-20

      Thanks Bo for answering.
      I succeed to install sql script
      I got the main page of Notetaker but I have problem to set my admin name and password.
      I go to constant.php :
      where I set admin name : here ?
      "define("ADMIN_NAME", "admin");
      define("GUEST_NAME", "guest");
      define("ADMIN_LEVEL", 9);
      define("USER_LEVEL",  1);
      define("GUEST_LEVEL", 0);"

      For the password, how I do ?

      May be it's better for me to wait for your installator script...


    • Bo Ahlberg

      Bo Ahlberg - 2008-02-20

      Perhaps, waiting isn't a bad idea... at present creating the admin account is a more manual procedure... The file you reference is part of a user id management framework I've integrated. Some of the capabilities have not been full implemented.  To try out the system and do the admin things that are enabled do the following:
      1. register an account then
      2. using phpMyAdmin
        a. select the notetaker DB
        b. select the users table
        c. click on the browse tab
        d. click on the edit symbol in the data row for the user you just created
        e. change the user-level value to 9
        f. save the change

      3. Now go back to noteTaker and you should be able to access the admin functions (limited though hey are at this moment.)

      By the way... many thanks... you feed back is helping me focus on issues that need focus. Keep it up.


    • Bo Ahlberg

      Bo Ahlberg - 2008-02-21

      I've uploaded the code so the admin feature is enabled... functionality is limited but should be compatible with the admin parameter in the constants.php file.

    • helmi mahamud

      helmi mahamud - 2009-02-12

      first..thank for sharing this sw.

      i've succeeded in installing note taker, but when i go to login page and sign up, then login again, it says that i've entered an invalid password. I even go to phpmyadmin, and set the user there, but still could not login.

      please help.


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