
if statement problem

  • Henry Salom

    Henry Salom - 2013-09-21


    I hope someone can help. I am trying to build a delimited list (delimited by |) to a temporary file with the following code:

    <loop item="professionList" index="j">
    <xpath expression="(//div&lt;span&gt;[@class='categories']&lt;/span&gt;//li/text())">


                        <file action="append" type="text" path="professionList.txt">                            
                                    <if condition="${j = 1}">

    The problem that I'm having is that the if condition determined by the loop counter j always branches to else even though as I understand this the first pass through the loop should match ${j = 1}. Can someone please explain why?

  • Henry Salom

    Henry Salom - 2013-09-21

    Found a soultion to my problem by capturing the count of list items in a separate var and then comparing to the loop index var using the toInt() method on both the count of list items var and the loop index var.

        <if condition="${ListCount.toInt() != j.toInt()}">

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