
Post problems

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-11


    Like some others I have some problems with the http post method...

    I have identified the different parameters to post but it still not work.

    Could it be possible that the destination page is looking for a specific name
    of the form, and in that case how could I define it ?


  • Steven P. Goldsmith

    This is tricky since some sites use a different a action url once you visit or
    login to a page or it's look for a certain User-Agent in the http header. I
    can save you come time in this respect (note I'm using 2.1 trunk, so the xml
    will look different). Consider the following code fragment which will visit a
    page to extract action URL and other post parameters (also look for my cookie
    fix for the 2.1 trunk code a few posts down) in order to post required

    <config xmlns="[url][/url]" charset="UTF-8">
        <def var="userAgent">Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)</def>
        <def var="xmlDoc"/>
        <def var="postUrl"/>
        <def var="bowStEvent"/>
            // Date format
            java.text.SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
            // Get current Date as String
            String dateStr = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date());        
         <!-- Parse common page elements into variables defined above -->
        <function name="parseCommon">    
            <!-- Get POST URL from form's action attribute -->
            <set var="postUrl">
                <xpath expression="//form/@action">
                    <value-of expr="${xmlDoc}"/>  
            <!-- Get _bowStEvent from input value attribute -->
            <set var="bowStEvent">
                <xpath expression="//input[@name='_bowStEvent']/@value">
                    <value-of expr="${xmlDoc}"/>  
        <!-- Visit page, so we can extract common post elements -->
        <set var="xmlDoc">
                <http method="get" url="[url][/url]" follow-redirects="true">
                    <http-header name="User-Agent">
                        <value-of expr="${userAgent}"/>
        <!-- Parse common page elements into variables -->
        <call name="parseCommon"/>
        <!-- Get a list of TR elements of name DataContainer using URL postUrl -->
        <set var="xmlDoc">
            <xpath expression='//tr[@name="DataContainer"]'>
                    <http method="post" url="${postUrl}" follow-redirects="true">
                        <http-header name="User-Agent">
                            <value-of expr="${userAgent}"/>  
                        <http-param name="_bowStEvent">
                            <value-of expr="${bowStEvent}"/>  
                        <http-param name="Street"></http-param>
                        <http-param name="DateFrom">
                            <value-of expr="${dateStr}"/>  
                        <http-param name="DateTo">
                            <value-of expr="${dateStr}"/>  
                        <http-param name="submit_button">Submit</http-param>
        <file action="write" path="/home/someuser/mcso_active_calls_output.xml">
            <value-of expr="${xmlDoc}"/>
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-15

    Thank you for your code, I'll analyze it and I'll try to do something similar.

    You are using a parameter: follow-redirects

    What is it for ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-15

    An important detail ... Where (how) do I get the 2.1 trunk version ?

  • Steven P. Goldsmith

    follow-redirects does what it says, follow http redirects the site may
    process. This is defaulted to true in 2b1, but is false as default in 2.1

    When you compile Maven project you will notice saxon/saxon-dom are not in
    Maven repos. You need to add to your local Maven or Nexus repository then it
    will build without error.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-16

    Compiling the project is a new world to me... sorry.

    Is there any specific o general help that explain how to do it (get the local
    repository and compile) ?


  • Steven P. Goldsmith

    Just scan the forums or google Maven build. Just install Maven as directed,
    put mvn in execution path, cd to where pom.xml file run mvn with appropriate

  • Alex Wajda

    Alex Wajda - 2011-11-17

    Guys, the build should be fixed now :)

    Compiling the project is a new world to me... sorry.

    Eric, you would be surprised how easy that world in WH 2.1 :)
    As Steven said in the previous post - just install Maven and then execute "mvn
    install" command from the WH project folder (where pom.xml is located).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-17

    I go into it ...

    Thank's for your explanations.


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