Pueblo - 2012-04-01

Hi there,

i'm trying to set up a script. I get all data i need. But the problem is the
nextXPath for multiple pages. The site doesn't use 'next' page or something
similar. The links are build out of numerical numbers like 1,2,3,4...

<p class="next" style="margin-right:5px;">
    [&nbsp;Seite:&nbsp;<a href="http://www.domain.de/site-abc.htm">1</a>,&nbsp;<strong>2</strong>,&nbsp;<a href="http://www.domain.de/site-def.htm">3</a> … ]</p>

I tried out the following to locate the link:

<call-param name="nextXPath">distinct-values(//p)</call-param>

Little help needed :)
