
Date format manipulation

  • Jim

    Jim - 2012-08-09

    Are there any examples of changing the date format from the scrape to the
    output file?



  • Selvin Fehric

    Selvin Fehric - 2012-08-09

    You can change it using javascript date functions. Give example what you want
    to do.

  • Jim

    Jim - 2012-08-22

    Below is my code that works great so far but I would like to reformat the date
    that is pulled from the content:

    let $date := data($doc//div/h2)

    the date is retrieved as "July 30, 2012" but I would like to convert it to
    rss2 RFC 822 format "Mon, 30 Jul 2012 0:00:01 GMT"

    Some direction would be greatly appreciated.

                <![CDATA[ <rss version="2.0"><channel><title>News</title><lastBuildDate>${sys.datetime("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z")}</lastBuildDate><language>en-us</language> ]]>
            <loop item="articleUrl" index="i">
                <!-- collects URLs of all articles from the front page -->
                    <xpath expression="//a[1]/@href">
                            <http url="${startUrl}"/>
                <!-- downloads each article and extract data from it -->
                        <var-def name="item_link">          
                            <template>${sys.fullUrl(startUrl, articleUrl)}</template>
                        <xq-param name="doc">                                             
                                <http url="${sys.fullUrl(startUrl, articleUrl)}"/>
                        <xq-param name="link" type="string">
                            <var name= "item_link"/>            
                            declare variable $doc as node() external;
                            declare variable $link as xs:string+ external;                                          
                            let $date := data($doc//div[@id="main"]/h2[@class="date"])
                            let $title := data($doc//div[@id="main"]/h1)
                            let $text := data($doc//div[@id="main"]/p[1])
            <![CDATA[ </channel></rss> ]]>

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