
2.1 version complied

  • eric

    eric - 2013-02-05


    Does anyone could provide a link to a compiled version of the actual development?
    I don't succeed in compiling it...

    Many thanks in advance

  • Maciej Czapiewski

    Hi Eric,

    If I am well-versed the compiled WH v2.1 is currently unavailable. You can only check out the code and compile it.
    What kind of problem do you have with project compilation?


  • eric

    eric - 2013-02-10

    When I tried to compile the source code I received plenty of errors that I was unabled to solved.
    I post messages months ago and no one was able to help me. so I decided to wait for the official release which is still not published....

    As some of you is using the compiled version I was hopping that someone could give me a link to a temporary "unofficial" version.

    I'd like to see if the memory problems I have are solved with the latest code.


  • Piotr Dyraga

    Piotr Dyraga - 2013-02-11


    A lot of things changed during the past months ;) The entire web harvest core has been rebuilt, so it's very possible that all memory issues you've been struggling with are resolved. You can obtain binary packages of the latest 2.1.0-RC1 from maven central:|467061108

    Or you can compile them yourself - I checked it a minute ago-everything works fine.

    svn checkout svn:// web-harvest-code
    cd web-harvest-code
    mvn clean install


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