
Configuration File Request

  • Mehmet Ayvazoğlu


    I saw example "extracts odds for soccer matches at online bookmaker" in Web-Harvest Project Home Page

    I need something like that but, i don't know anything about xml coding. i try
    to figure out example but i couldn't

    my interest web page: ""

    if someone write configuration file, i'll be grateful

    (i need table in xml file, i will use it in excel)

    if someone write

  • marco

    marco - 2012-03-12

    Hi, I whish I could extract selected sets of art related info from wikipedia
    (http://en.wikipedia.orgI): I have a list of
    keywords as search keywords ( i.e. Mona Lisa, Picasso, Surrealism, etc. all
    about arts and artists and events and cultural heritage) and I would like to
    generate two folders, in one the xml data extracted from the wikipedia pages
    and in the other folder the images connected sequencially to the related xmls
    of the first folder (to be able to reconstruct the page structure)

    the first folder with xml files and each xml file identifies:

    -artist name
    -work of art
    -date of work
    -link to the main image
    -link to high res image
    -link to the wiki page
    -list of links to references and copyright

    the second folder with the page's extracted images named sequencially and
    linked to the xml files from the source wikipedia page

    please, could you help me?

  • marco

    marco - 2012-03-15

    hi, you can remove this request asI've done the basic config file myself...



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