
declare variable drop input from xml

  • gadido30

    gadido30 - 2007-06-21


    Thanx again for helping me, I am now face in new problem .

    I have some html file that has <input> , If I use xpath expression it work and I can see the input value.

    but when I try to get <inpu> value from [!CDATA[declare variable $doc as node() external; I don't see the input varible all other <div>,<b> it work.

    I am using let $textb := data($doc//*[td='test']/following::input)


    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-07-03

      Thanx, I have found other problem with data() and some input varible, I have past it in the forum.

      Thanx agin

    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-06-24


      I will try to expline , I am using html-xml , when I try to use xquery with cdata and node() I don't get the <input> from html (it seems that it drop it out) , how can I get those html varible inside xquery? do I need to use template , I will be glad for littel example.


      • Vladimir Nikic

        Vladimir Nikic - 2007-06-25

        Please check this thread:

        I beleave that your problem is similar.


    • Vladimir Nikic

      Vladimir Nikic - 2007-06-25

      Can you please send the full example?

    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-06-26

      Hi, Vladimir

      I have tryed out the example of sasa with out any lack, I try to use html-to-xml but I got error from xquery, I will be glad if you can post example also with html-to-xml.

      Thanx Again

      • Vladimir Nikic

        Vladimir Nikic - 2007-06-26

        Please send me your example that doesn't work in order to try to fix it.

    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-06-26

      <var-def name="searchEngine">

      <var-def name="startUrl"></var-def>

      <file action="write" path="data/${searchEngine}_content.xml">

             &lt;var-def name=&quot;my_xpath&quot;&gt;//h1&lt;/var-def&gt;
            &lt;xq-param name=&quot;item&quot;&gt;&lt;var name=&quot;item&quot;/&gt;&lt;/xq-param&gt; 
            &lt;xq-param name=&quot;my_xpath&quot;&gt;&lt;var name=&quot;my_xpath&quot;/&gt;
                          &lt;http url=&quot;${startUrl}&quot;/&gt;
                            let $name := data($item{$my_xpath}) 


    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-06-28

      Hi, Vladimir

      I post here in the forum an example, Can You please help me.


      • Vladimir Nikic

        Vladimir Nikic - 2007-06-28

        first problem:

        <xq-param name="item"><var name="item"/></xq-param>

        where you don't have item variable previously defined in the web-harvest execution context.

    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-06-28

      Hi , Vladimir

      I also had var-def to item and still I got xquery error?

      Thanx Agai

      • Vladimir Nikic

        Vladimir Nikic - 2007-06-29


        The problem is in template processor around XQuery expression.
        template should replace my_xpath with something. However, syntax should be:
        ${my_xpath} instead of {$my_xpath}.

    • gadido30

      gadido30 - 2007-06-29

      Hi , Vladimir

      I still get xquery error, I think its somthing releted to $item , This is what I try to do:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


      <var-def name="url">

      <var-def name="referencias">
      <http url="${url}"/>

      <file action="write" path="test/test.xml" charset="UTF-8">
      <![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <loop item="item" index="i">
      <list><var name="referencias"/></list>
      <xq-param name="item"><var name="item"/></xq-param>
      let $title := data($item//h1)


      </scholar> ]


      It give me error in xquery, In the back example my_path wored but still I got error from $item.

      Thanx Again

    • Rob Grzywinski

      Rob Grzywinski - 2007-07-03

      Just follow

      The error that you're getting "Variable $item has not been declared" tells you what's missing. Doing a visual delta from the example to what you have shows that you need:

      declare variable $item as node() external;

      So your xquery should look like:

      <xq-param name="item"><var name="item"/></xq-param>
      declare variable $item as node() external;
      let $title := data($item//h1)


      The "<xq-param name="item"><var name="item"/></xq-param>" part passes the variable "item" into the XQuery but then you have to declare the variable in XQuery. (Think of the difference between passing a variable to a function and the function declaration itself.)

      Hope this helps.


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