
Unknown maxloop !

  • batis

    batis - 2012-07-17


    I'm using a code like yahoo-canon example... The code is working fine, but I'm
    trying to modify it so it wont need maxloops anymore... In fact, I want to
    parse all "next" pages, and I dont know how much pages are there ...

    I want it to keep parsing till nextPath var is empty... I modified functions
    code here: to:

    <var-def name="pageUrl">
                                if(nextLinkUrl.toString().length() != 0) {sys.fullUrl(pageUrl.toString(), nextLinkUrl.toString())}

    But I still having errors:

    org.webharvest.exception.ScriptException: Error during script execution: Parse error at line 1, column 102.  Encountered: <EOF>
        at org.webharvest.runtime.scripting.BeanShellScriptEngine.eval(Unknown Source)
        at org.webharvest.runtime.templaters.BaseTemplater.execute(Unknown Source)
        at org.webharvest.runtime.processors.TemplateProcessor.execute(Unknown Source)
        at Source)

    I admit that I'm not sure about the if-else structure, but I tried using
    return, (), {}, ... with no success... Can you please help me fixing this :)

  • batis

    batis - 2012-07-20

    Well, I'll reformulate my question, If I want to parse all pages but I don't
    know how many pages are there, how can I use the function without specifying
    maxloops attribute?

    In other words, I want the while loop to stop when nextLinkUrl returned by
    nextXPath is empty

  • batis

    batis - 2012-07-20

    This modified function never stops !

  • Selvin Fehric

    Selvin Fehric - 2012-07-20

    Try to compare it with string1.equals(string2), because == comparator compare
    references, not strings.

    or !sting1.equals(string2) instead of != in your case.

    But I solved same problem with maxloop, in way that I get the field on web
    page which says how many results are there and then calculate maxloop. You can
    use this, but first try to fix your code.

  • batis

    batis - 2012-07-23

    Well, that's what I did indeed... I lookup how much pages are there before
    starting to parse them, but it's not always easy :-/

    Unfortuantely, the other method still not working even when using
    !sting1.equals(string2)... Too bad...

    Thanks anyway for your help :)

  • Selvin Fehric

    Selvin Fehric - 2012-07-23

    Sorry .equals and == is different in Java, my mistake :) For JavaScript is

    I used to get the number of results, and then parse it and divide it with
    number of results per page, and get the next higher value.

  • Montgomery Webster

    Number of results is a reasonable solution in most cases. However, it does not
    work for Google Search, where the number of results is uninformative "Page 58
    of about 226,000,000 results (0.77 seconds)". Most pages have about 10 results
    and never more than 15, which would imply 22.6 million results.

    That's why the general solution is preferable. I am not having any luck with
    it either.


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