
default XML namespace for WebHarvest

  • Taras Emelyanenko

    I think it will be a good thing add name spaces usage to WebHarvest
    configuration files. Then we can avoid usage huge number of <!CDATA blocks.

    What you think about this?

  • Alex Wajda

    Alex Wajda - 2011-05-08

    Absolutely. And some work on it has already been done. Unfortunately due to
    huge lack of time the development moves forward too slowly. The current WH
    parser implementation doesn't have any notion of XML namespaces and although
    it is based on a SAX parser it is far not easy to enable xml namespaces
    support. Especially the GUI depends on the current implementation too heavily
    (code complete, etc). We'll see who it goes.

  • Taras Emelyanenko

    Thank you for reply, now I am understood. Yes, this is a problem.


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