
web-gmui-0.2.7 released

Hi everyone,

this release fix lots of issues with the
MLDonkey 2.7.0 version, but may break
things for older versions.
Now a big bug that happend when we deal
with lot's of files is closed.
Also fixed is a problem when two users start
downloads at the same time from search.
It is now possible to download multiple files
simultaneously from the incoming folder, which
only needed one additional line! :)
This version should have been available some
time ago, but was delayed because of lacking
dev time.
I also tried to find a solution for the commit
script to work with bittorent folders.
I found no satisfying solution, but will
release a patch soon (in 2005) to allow this
(but decreasing reliability of the commit script).

Thanks to all people who contributed to this version! :)


Posted by mwarning 2005-12-23

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