
Tree [d43662] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 html 2020-02-23 Wes Peters Wes Peters [d43662] Fix the date labelling axis
 mongo 2019-08-07 Wes Peters Wes Peters [7010aa] The MongoDB version of the wxWeb application. ...
 sensor 2020-01-09 Wes Peters Wes Peters [3e359d] Add preliminary support for BMP280 as well
 sqlite 2020-01-03 Wes Peters Wes Peters [fd211c] The deb packages you need for this to work.
 wxWeb 2020-02-19 Wes Peters Wes Peters [7fa112] Put the timestamps back in the output with the ... 2019-08-19 Wes Peters Wes Peters [7d2dad] ToC looks stupid there

Read Me


This is a simple weather sensor network, including remote sensors and a database backed, developed on Raspberry Pi and ASUS Tinker Board single board computers. It is intended as a small, easy to grasp, fully functional distributed system. It is still a work in progress, with the intention of documenting each component well enough to be both an exmple of, and a lesson in how to develop, a distributed system like this.

Navigating this Project

The sensor has the code for the sensor, of course. If you just want to see how a Python program can know the temperature, pressure, and humidity, this is the place to go.

The wxWeb directory hosts the canonical server back end, which is a web service. This implementation is written for the Apache Cassandra database, using the object mapper interface.

The mongo and sqlite directories contain implementations of the web service for these respective databases, as an example of how simple Python makes database accesses.

Missing Bits

Missing at this point is the web front end to look at the data. It's underway, but I'm not a web programmer by any stretch, and I want it to look reasonably good. If you have web skillz and would like to help, feel free to contact me through a blog comment or a ticket! What I would like is a nice self-updating graph of temperature, pressure, and humidity, displayed in the user's choice of units. Something reactive and scalable, suitable for the Raspberry Pi LCD would be great.

Also missings are some pictures or drawings of how to wire up the sensor. I'll get a couple if pictures posted so you can see how simple it is to interface something to the Raspberry Pi via an I2C interface.

The documentation continues to improve, mostly in the form of Readme files in the code, and blog posts explaining how and why. If there is something you would like to know, freel free to leave a ticket, or feedback in the blog.