I'm busy as ever. I'm currently developing and managing an entire website for a school activity I'm in. I barely have any spare time to check out this project anymore. Once I finish developing the site, I can start working on this project again. Once again, this was one of my first PHP projects so the original code is total crap. Version 2 will be a lot nicer.
I'm getting close to finishing my other project. This project is next on the list. In the process of making the first project, I have learned a lot about programming. Version 2.0 will be Object Oriented and will be very extensible with installable components (modules).
I am still knee deep in PHP projects. This project is number 3 on my list. I'm sorry for the major delay of version 2. I'm currently working on a site that must be done before September. After that, I may squeeze time in for this project (The 2nd project is much shorter).
I am going to have to halt developement on this project for a about a month do to school work, learning new programming skills, and working on a web site for someone. Version 2.0 will probably be out in late Fall or Winter.
I'm amazed that 100 people have downloaded this! Sorry for the lack of progress on version 2.0. I'm swamped with developing other web applications plus school. I will keep you informed about 2.0. For those of you who have run version 1, just to let you know version 2.0 is completely redesigned. Version 1 isn't that great because I was just beginning to create web applications when I made it.
All the planning for Weather Manager 2 has been completed! I'm now continuing to work on the code for the installer and outlining the code for the rest. To see a demo of the installer go to http://weathermanager.sourceforge.net/weathermanager/install.php
**It isn't completed yet, so there will be errors**
The estimated release date for version 2 is still Spring 2006.
Another new feature that will be added in Weather Manager 2.0 is the option to have a "pretty" (graphics) user interface for the current conditions and history page. It will have a thermometer and a wind gage, pressure gage, etc...
Multi-Language support will NOT be implemented in 2.0 but in versions after that.
Weather Manager 2.0 will feature multiple translations! This will be done by using modules that I create. It will, by default, come with the English module. To add more languages, you will be able to download the module and it will add support for that language. If you can help with translations (otherwise i'll have to use Google), email me using the following link: https://sourceforge.net/sendmessage.php?touser=1309763
Sorry for recent lack of progress. Adelphia (my internet connection) has been down for the past 5 days (I'm sending this through a rare 5 minute window of connectivity).
I'm almost finished with the plan for Weather Manager (designing the interface, new features, etc.). I will soon begin work on the actual code. I'm still attempting to learn how to use the CVS but currently don't know how. Plus I have school work to keep up with so it may be a while before you see any progress.... read more
Yesterday I created a logo for the Weather Manager project. To see the logo, go to the project homepage ( http://weathermanager.sourceforge.net ). I'm not a graphics editor so that is about all I can do. If you would like, you can submit feedback in this news forum. Also, sometime next week the planning phase for Weather Manager 2.0 will be complete.
The next version of Weather Manager will be version 2.0. This will contain completely rewritten code and will allow it to be much more customizable.
* Current Conditions (updated version)
* ?-day Forecast (you decide on the number of days)
* Use either English or Metric measurements
* Change settings through Admin Control Panel
* Integrate your weather data into any web page you want
(like Weather.com Weather Magnet)
There are alot more improvements then I can list here. Version 2.0 will be released a while from now. It will probably be sometimes next spring (it takes a while to rewrite code and add features). I will release testing versions and would greatly appreciate feedback (I haven't gotten any yet). I will be submitting multiple documentations as well.
I changed my mind. I'll work on this through the school year as much as I can. The next version to be released will be 2.0. This will be a major upgrade and will include lots of new features. It will be a while before the official version is released but i'll release many testing and beta versions before then. See the above news announcement on what's new in 2.0
Unfortunately, I am to busy to maintain a project during the school year. Around August 31 the Weather Manager project will be listed as inactive. As summer vacation comes to an end, I will be releasing the final major release (until next summer). This release will contain an improved installer and a much improved method of storing settings. It will be changed to get the settings from a php file making it easy to change settings and upgrade the version.
This version fixes problems with the image names. To fix them without downloading and reinstalling it do the following: rename Thunderstorm.gif T-storm.gif and rename Severe Thunderstorm.gif Severe T-storm.gif. It also fixes that same problem in the README file.
Weather Manager 1.2.1 was released today. It fixes a major bug in the admin interface, changes the graphics (old still available), and admin interface is easier to use, and the README file is updated. Download it at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/weathermanager/weathermanager_1-2-1.zip?download
Yesterday I found a major bug in Weather Manager with the Admin Pages. When you click to update or delete weather conditions it probably says 'Invalid Login'. This is because I forgot to get the username and password sent by the admin page. It worked on my test server because I had register globals turned on in the PHP config until recently. A fix will be released soon in version 1.2.1
Weather Manager 1.2 was released today. The code was rewritten using integrated MySQL functions in PHP. NOw PEAR DB is no longer a requirement!
I have just relized a much better way to deal with databases in PHP. Now you don't need PEAR DB. Future releases will now use the built-in MySQL functions in PHP. The next release will be released today or tommorow.
Weather Manager 1.1 was released today. It fixes some small html formatting issues. It will be a while before I release a major version of this program while I work on new features to include.
Weather Manager 1.1 BETA was released fixing major bugs. The official release will be released soon!
Weather Manager version 1.1 alpha was released today. I got it done quicker than I thought I would. It now includes an installer which costumizes the pages. Things like MySQL logins are now automatically changed in the PHP files. It still has many bugs though.
I have designed a new installer that will help setup the database and php files. It will be included in the next version which will be released in a couple of days.
Today I released the first version of Weather Manager. Though this version is fully functional, I'm adding a lot of new features so watch for new versions.