
WDTV Tools / News: Recent posts

eiri r189 Released / Added Support for Command Remapping and

A new version of eiri - the Extended IR Interface for the Western Digital TV HD (WDTV) - has been released. eiri allows you to use other remotes with the WDTV, to remap keys from the WDTV remote to new key sequences and to execute shell scripts with the remote. For example you can remap a key on your remote to change the movie language with just one key press instead of doing it complicated via the options menu. Furthermore eiri enables you to send commands to the WDTV from the command line or remotely via network.... read more

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-07-11

event-osd r170 Released

A new version of event-osd has been released. event-osd allows you to modify the OSD of the Western Digital TV HD on the fly when the user navigates through his media collection.

This is a bug fix release for r162. It fixes a bug that could freeze up the WDTV’s OSD display when the user tries to eject a device on which event-osd operated.

The new application image is available for download at read more

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-06-30

event-osd r162 Released

(To view the news in the original format please visit\)

A new version of event-osd has been released. event-osd allows you to modify the OSD of the Western Digital TV HD on the fly when the user navigates through his media collection.

The r162 version introduces an extended event config file format that supports multiple events and also adds support for new features. The most important feature is the ability to change the working directory of the script to the current directory of the OSD. This solves as a workaround for paths with special characters because the shell of the WDTV firmwares is not able to deal with them directly. You can specify that the current working directory (cwd) is changed by using a config file like the following one:... read more

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-06-14

Preview Release of eiri: A Command Line and Network Interfac

I had some time to finish the IR adapter I’ve been working on. A preview release of eiri (extended infrared interface) is available at

eiri is an improved alternative to irset. It allows you to send IR commands to the WDTV GUI from the command line, thus enabling third party applications like web pages or SSH to control the WDTV GUI. Compared to irset it fixes some bugs, namely the 100% CPU utilization and it supported repeated keys (so you can hold down UP/DOWN and it is executed again without the need to press it again). Furthermore it adds a network mode that can be used to control the WDTV from a remote device over the network. ... read more

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-06-03

event-osd r112 Released

The second release of event-osd is out. event-osd is a notification system for the WDTV’s GUI that allows you to modify the OSD on the fly.

This release works with the media library enabled and should now work on all WDTVs with ext3-boot 0.9.2 and WDLXTV >= 0.5.2.

Besides the main bugfix some smaller changes have been made: app.event files are now converted with dos2unix, so if the file has Windows file endings it still works. Furthermore some system calls have been optimized so that there is less overhead when the directory changes.... read more

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-06-02

Preview Release Shoutcast / Internet Radio Application

As kind of a byproduct I have been working on while getting the WDTV Tools project started is a proof-of-concept implementation of a Shoutcast / Internet Radio application that delivers you the Shoutcast Radio Stations to the WDTV.

This is a preview release for a shoutcast filesystem for the WDTV. It just contains an unsorted, unchecked, un-everything browse by genre function that for the most part works.... read more

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-05-14

Finding The Path - Or Finding Out Where The Heck You Are

A write up on the how to get the current path the OSD of the WDTV is displaying:

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-05-13

WDTV Tools Project Started

Today the project was approved by SourceForge so the work can start. This project is intended to be a place for all WDTV development that does not have its own homepage or place. For small features, incubating project, tests and anything else that is for the WDTV and needs an development infrastructure (SVN, Wiki, file releases, etc.).

A thread on the WDTV forum can be found at

Posted by Elmar Weber 2009-05-04