
wdforge / News: Recent posts


hard to see it's a 10yo project, but idea remains and is still unsatisfied !

Posted by R&B 2014-01-13

WDForge dot org replaces
The same team, the same goals, but with serious tools.

Forge interface is still under achivement but all hosting il ready... Maybe some french2english people could join us to perform a bi-lingual portal and push this project further ?

Help is also welcome to enable forge integration...

Posted by R&B 2004-12-09

forge project news

WinDev forge project isn't a dream... we just had to find the best way we'll perform this service in our global projects. We're working on a usable solution. Just let us a few monthes to clear this stage an wide open all it.

Posted by R&B 2004-06-02


HI All.
We're proud to start here what we did at our website. Main advantage for sourceforge is to offer devoted services surch as cvs and docs. We're still working on administration.
Bienvenue !
Nous sommes heureus de poursuivre isi ce qui a commenc sur notre site. Les avanteages de Sourceforge et d'offrir les services tels que le serveur cvs et de documentation. Nous travaillons encore notre formation sur l'administration des projets.

Posted by R&B 2003-07-08