
WDBIL (Web DataBase Interface Library) / News: Recent posts

WDBIL moves to SWAS

WDBIL has changed its name. Now the project is called SWAS.
SWAS is an evolution of WDBIL. Visit the SWAS project site:

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2003-01-29

WDBIL project gets lots of downloads !!

As in every new update, we have got a lot of downloads. This is good ... Thank you !!!
But ... we have not feedback from people that test the software.
PLEASE ... send some feedback (email): We need it to improve the software. What do you think about WDBIL? Can you install it ? etc ...
Thank you !!

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2002-06-14

WDBIL Udated !!!

It's time to update !!!
Sorry ... i've been developping ;-)
There are a lot of new features and bug fixes.
Updated documentation, a first (and automatic=bad) english translation, etc.

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2002-06-12

Some bug fixes

We have fixed some bugs in 0.8.0.
You can use CVS to view the modified files and update.

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-10-08

WDBIL 0.8.0 released !!!

Web DataBase Interface Library: Form templates for tables and subtables. Control-bar "a la MS-Access" (It uses ClientSide Data Buffering: No "reload on every click" !). Report generation: HTML & ASCII table, PostScript, JavaScript arrays, graphics.

We have been working hard to release the 0.8.0.
This has been a big step and now the 1.0 is the target.
The 0.8.X series is (i hope...) the last pre-1.0 serie.
Now, WDBIL implements "all" the features we want. It has got multilanguage support, an unified and clean interface with a main entry point (, etc...

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-10-04

Happy birthday Eisenor !!!

The first WDBIL-based "production system" (Eisenor) is 1 year old !!!
Now, the system is more complex, it has got more tables, forms, etc...
It runs very well every day, every week, every month !!!!
Happy birthday Eisenor !!!

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-10-02

Help request !!

Hello WDBIL users !!!
This is a request for writers and translators.
One serious problem with WDBIL is the very
poor documentation that exists. So ...

1.) Can somebody write a FAQ, a little tutorial
or something ?

2.) Can somebody translate to english the actual
documentation ?

Thanks !!

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-09-10

Added Concurrence Control

We have added a Concurrence Control System in
That solves a "old big" problem: concurrent updates (updates with not synchronized data).
It's implemented using a Data Signature System that ensures data synchronization.

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-09-02

New look for WDBIL project page

A few days ago, we renew the project pages look.
Now it looks more modern and serious ;-)

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-29

Updated CVS

I've missed updating CVS for a few months and
there was a lot new files, file renaming, etc...
But, CVS is updated now !!!

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-29

WDBIL 0.6.2 released (quick revision)

There are no new features in this revision, only
bug fixes and little improvements in current features.

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-28

Serious Bug in !!!!

There is a big bug in that can
make the requested registers to be truncated !!!
(when a key value is 0).
It's solved but not released yet !!!
In 1 or 2 days i will release i quick revision
to solve this bug (and others) !!

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-26

Call for users and testers !!

I want to remember to users and testers of WDBIL that some feedback (in email form ;-)) is very apreciated. Please ... if you have tested the demo, tried de software or you are using WDBIL for some develpment, send a little email telling your experience, suggestions, critics, etc..
Some lines is enougth. Thanks !!!

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-21

WDBIL 0.6.1 released (quick revision)

* New features !!!
* Some bugfixes
* Partially rewrited (cleaner and better code ==> good for future extension)
* Better and updated documentation !!! (includes new 0.6.x features !!)

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-21

New release: wdbil 0.6.0

We have been working hard in WDBIL in last months, and we have missed to update the sourceforge contents. Don't worry ... WDBIL is alive and very healthy ... sure !!!!
In the new release (0.6.0) you will find:

* New features: improved templates,session support
* Developper interface translated to english. (older interface works too)
* Cleaner and better source. (almost translated to english)
* New configuration options
* Lots of bugfixes ;-)
* Lots of new bugs ;-(

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-08-14

Aiban joins WDBIL team. WELLCOME !!

Iban Munzarriz, the WDBIL's daddy, the original creator has joined our development team.
Wellcome Aiban !!!!
You know what you must do ... jejeje (remove these limitations that i tell you two days ago .... ;-)))

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-04-17

Added graphics support and lots of fixes and improvements.

Added gnuplot graphics support to "".
Moved some potentially dagerous scripts to "cgi/restricted". Now it's easier to improve security in this scripts.
Lots of little fixes and improvements.
New and updated documentation.

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-04-17

Added transaction support and lots of little fixes

*Some translation support has been added.
*Table edition now is fully functional.
*There are lots of bug fixes and little improvements.
*There are a new surprising script: ==>
If your web server provider don allow you to connect with telnet or ssh .... jejeje, you would like this little guy };-)

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-03-29

Web page changes !!

Project web page has been updated ...
You can visit it at:

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-03-01

CVS is running !!

wdbil module has been created.

"ekom" and "docu" modules will be created nearly.

Ekom is a e-commerce development system based in WDBIL
Docu is a documentation managament system based in WDBIL

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-03-01

WDBIL 0.5.12 released (quick revision)

Quick revision.
We have been working in a e-commerce application based in
WDBIL that uses DynAPI2 for dynamic product layers generation.
We have added a new feature that allows to capture an html fragment (a html fragment inside a <html_template name="product"> tag) into a JavaScript variable.
We have fixed some little bug.


* Added html_template feature (
* Fixed a bug related to searches with non PostgreSQL DataBases (

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-03-01

WDBIL Demo works !!!!

Now you can test the WDBIL features in the live demo at:

You are allowed to insert, delete, search, etc...

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-02-24

WDBIL 0.5.11 released (quick revision)

Added new features to
I have started to build a table interface that allows to view and edit table data.
* The old "edit" mode now becomes "formedit", and the new interface is requested using mode="edit".
* Now, both "table" and "query" fields are used so be careful.
* A new "edit_table.js" file has been added in html/js.

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-02-21

WDBIL 0.5.10 released (quick revision)

Some bugs has been fixed in core libs (

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-02-16

WDBIL 0.5.9 released (quick revision)

I have used "$sth->rows" in "" .... but ODBC driver return -1 in select queries.
I have fix this problem in this quick revision. Now, $sth->rows is used anymore in ""

Posted by J. Fernando Moyano 2001-02-15