
WingCommanderUniverse / News: Recent posts

First Commit

I've been holding off for a while and possibly should have ignored some classes and files but it's there now and people can look around.
I have stripped down the editor because I am rebuilding it because it was getting a bit messy and that part is going to be the biggest asset as I want people to be able to extend the game later.

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2009-03-20


Still moving along. up to about 5700 lines of code excluding comments etc.
Spent a lot of time ripping graphics and starting to repair and fix some.
Also some a lot on the basis for the game engine itself, luckily I was able to re-use some parts from Hêbê so that helped a little.
Most recently I have been working on the editor to be specific I have worked on the universe map editor, unfortunatly the editor itself is set to be excluded from the commit as that part is really in the draft stage and need a lot of work as it will be a decent one and will be handling a lot of data which of course need to be processed efficiently.
The game it self is not to far away from being committed because I really need to spend a bit more time on it making sure everything is in the right place and is going to work the way i want before I start moving, deleting, changing classes etc.... read more

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2009-03-03


Well sticking with the creating world concept behind origin I have just incopterated some name generators for kirathi and kithrath callsigns.
Human and Human Callsign.
Kithrathi names take into account clans honours etc.

Human basicly country of origin.
Currently over 1800 surnames though ome duplicated over 59 counties and about 900 names each for male and female counterparts.

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2008-10-30

Still Here

What have I been Doing? Gasping. Absolutly gob smaked by the amount of content on the web at the moment.

Its all good to make the game but without a base or story it will end up just another half backe peice of kitty litter so on that not I have finally finished watching the Wing Commander Academy the Series and think thats a good place to start.
Other than that a whole lot of data collection required as I dont want to mess the story up plus I had better get it befor some of it vanishes. Pritty much downloading entire Wiki's for resources.

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2008-10-22


The story is nowhere near its first draft. Ideas are welcome but this is no mass rewrite. I will be focussing on the actual games and taking it from Academy at least into Wing Commander 1. When and if I incorporate WC2 and WC3 and allow for modding to be easily done I want to determine weather it is possible to retain the TigersClaw.
Also note you will be restricted to Blair’s Character and the other will be adapted in to conform to the original titles, the move and animated series.... read more

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2008-10-15


Well upon doing some research and coding. I have concluded the following; there is an awful lot of existing resources Wing Commander no so much as star trek but enough to drive fear in to me. Try figure out star dates you'll understand. So I plan to modify the story slightly to make it more adaptable by I will be delving deep into the existing repertoire of information out there so the game well editor for now will pretty much have an in built wiki to help with story planning etc. Also I will try to keep all the fan knowledge I can, this includes date conversion metric conversion etc. The date conversion from Terran to Kilrathi is done and accurate to a few days over game up to Armada.
For fans complain please be patient and suggest fixes once I release some code to CVS.
Note I plan to take time and care with this project so please be patient.
Also feel free to post on the forums now ideas can hurt. However I will ignore brand spanking new story’s ships and under no circumstances do I plan to overhaul the graphics.

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2008-10-15

Editor In Action

The Editor is now in development. Currently implement a VGA reader or wing commader graphics file viewer and a specialized ship viewer. Though the actual game formate will eventually vary these tools will come in very handy as resource tools and generating the newer usable formats.

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2008-10-11

Site Update

The site is now up. I spent a bit of time on it even though it dosen't really explain much at the moment. Though I think it's pretty cool. Check it out.

Posted by Benjamin Tarrant 2008-10-09