
Tree [r12] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Button 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 CheckBox 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 DataGrid 2009-02-18 brianmayclone [r11] Lots of fixes and customizations for usage with...
 DataSource 2009-02-18 brianmayclone [r12] Added a new method 'fromQuery' which execs a qu...
 Database 2008-02-07 brianmayclone [r3] Added some more abstract classes for table abst...
 Effects 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 GroupBox 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 IControl 2009-02-18 brianmayclone [r11] Lots of fixes and customizations for usage with...
 Image 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 Label 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 ListBox 2009-02-18 brianmayclone [r11] Lots of fixes and customizations for usage with...
 Panel 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 RadioButton 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 TabbedPane 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 TestingTool 2008-02-09 brianmayclone [r8] Testing Tool for testing classes and method ret...
 TextBox 2009-02-18 brianmayclone [r11] Lots of fixes and customizations for usage with...
 Themes 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 TreeView 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 Window 2008-02-08 brianmayclone [r7] Some Thoughts about Overlay Design inside the W...
 History 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 Licence 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 Readme 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 Version 2008-02-01 brianmayclone [r1] Initial import
 header.php 2008-02-08 brianmayclone [r6] Changed Dependency DataSource.php location

Read Me

WCF Copyright (C) 2008  Christian Möller
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions;

=== WCF - Web Controls Framework ===

This Library will give you the chance to develop web applications
like it is known from any major desktop application library. No
need to write you own javascripts to make things work dynamicaly,
it all will be created for you.

--- Requirements ---

In order to get the whole thing work, your system must comply the 
following requirements:
  - WebServer (Apache, IIS etc)
  - PHP4/5 (enabled in your Webserver)

--- Installation ---

It is quite easy to install this library. Just put it in your
favourite folder and link all the needed files into your
index site (or wherever you need the controls to take part).

If you want to use all of the controls (or you don't know
wich files are needed in wich order) just include the header.php
It will include all available Controls and the needed Dependencies.

Do it the following way:
  require "/path/to/wcl/header.php";
 --- Usage ---
 The most important thing to know is, that all of the Controls begin with
 "wui" wich stands for Web User Interface.
 To create a Web Control Layout, the easiest way ist to create a panel
 that contains all you application. So you just have render one single
 control to you preferred output. 
 Now create some more controls, whatever you want, and put them to
 the panel you created in the beginning.
 To Render a control, just call the render() Method of the Control. It
 returns the complete XHTML code.
  require "/path/to/wcl/header.php";
  // Create the content Panel wich holds all other controls.
  $content_panel = new wuiPanel("contentPanel1");
  // Create a label and give it a text
  $label1 = new wuiLabel("label1");
  $label1->setText("Hello World!");
  // add the label to the content panel
  // render the panel (it will render all child controls itself)
  echo $content_panel->render();
--- Found A Bug? ---

If You found a bug, you're pleased to send me an email with a
small or detailed bug report. This will give me the chance
to fix the bug and put it into the next release.

Email: brianmayclone[at]