I'm trying to execute the mofcomp command on the given Teacher Student Example but I'm getting the following error :-
D:\BE0BF4~1.PRO\SANDEV~1\WBEMSE~1\WBEMSE~1\bin>mofcomp root root_passwd "d:\B
Project\SAN Device Simulation\WBEM Services\wbemservices\examples\provider\t
Usage: mofcomp [-options] mof

where options include:
        -h              Print out this message
        -version        Print out the build version
        -v              Turn on verbose mode
        -c cimom_host   Host where the CIM Object Manager runs
        -n namespace    namespace to compile mof(s) in
        -u username     Username for CIM Object Manager connection
        -p password     Password for user specified by -u
        -o directory    Directory for compiler output
        -j beanFile     Bean generator configuration file
        -Q              Set qualifier types instead of create
        -C              Set class instead of create
        -I              Set instance instead of create
        -x              Convert to XML

        Deprecated options (to be removed next release):
        -sq             Set qualifier types instead of create
        -sc             Set class instead of create
        -si             Set instance instead of create

I want to ask is the command given by me is correct or not ? Is any other option needed to be specified in the command ? Please give me the exact syntax of the mofcomp command if possible...

Thank you,

Vineet D