
WMI and WBEMServices

  • Philip Kubat

    Philip Kubat - 2003-09-09

    In being that Microsoft does not support RMI or HTTP for protocols in WMI.  I am right to assume that I can not use Wbemservices to collect CIM information from a Microsoft platform with Java?  Any other ideas?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-02-03

      I too have been researching accessing WMI using WBEM Services and have not found an easy solution.  I have seen discussion in the Open Pegasus forums that they do have a HTTP to DCOM proxy and a WBEM to WMI translator.  I have not tried it since I require a java implementation and Open Pegasus is written in C++.

      Have you found any way to do it with WBEM Services?


      • Brian Schlosser

        Brian Schlosser - 2004-02-04

        I'm not aware of a way to do it with WBEM Services, but it does work with Pegasus.

    • Emmanuel Barajas

      Were you able to make it work?
      I mean, accessing WMI with wbemservices?


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