
Connection refused

  • Tintin

    Tintin - 2005-02-15


    I'm new on WBEMServices. I just tried to emunerate Classes of a CIM Class (for example CIM_Setting).
    When I run the program the following error message occurs:
    "Exception: XMLERROR:
    enumerateClasses, Connection refused: connect -"

    Does somebody knows what the problem may be?
    I'm working on Windows XP.
    My simple program looks like this:


    CIMClient cc = null;            
    CIMNameSpace cns = new CIMNameSpace();
    UserPrincipal up = new UserPrincipal("root");
    PasswordCredential pc = new PasswordCredential("root_password");   
    cc = new CIMClient(cns, up, pc);
    String myclass = "CIM_Setting";
    CIMObjectPath cop = new CIMObjectPath(myclass);
    Enumeration e = cc.enumerateClasses(cop, true, true);


    Thanks for help!

    • Jim Davis

      Jim Davis - 2005-02-18

      a couple things

      1- Make sure the agent is running on the system you are trying to connect to

      2- In your code above, the CIMNameSpace is empty - try new CIMNameSpace("") filling in the IP and namespace you want to use

      3-make sure you do not have a firewall setting that is not allowing communications on this port

      If that is all OK, on the server you can turn on logging by setting the variable Debug=3tmp in the properties file.

    • Tintin

      Tintin - 2005-02-21

      I tried to do what you said. But it doesn't work. The computer i tried to connect to is the local machine. That's why I let the namespace empty. I thought that this would work. But it also doesn't work when I fill in the IP and namespace.
      The Firewall wasn't the problem. It also doesn't work when I disable it.

      Is there another idea what the problem may be?

    • Emmanuel Barajas

      Hi, I've been facing a similar problem.

      Could you solve It?


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