
#156 CIMOM not handling setInstance correctly?


I noticed in the most recent distribution (1.0.2) that
the CIMClient.setProperty() method has been deprecated.
So, I replaced any such calls with
CIMClient.setInstance(), specifying only the property
that I want to change in the propertyList parameter.

Now, when I set a particular property in an instance
and request that the correspongind instance in the
CIMOM be updated, all of the other non-key properties
are set to null.

In performing the exact same operation (using the same
client) against OpenWBEM and Pegasus CIMOMs, this
behavior does not exist. On those CIMOMs, only the
specified property is changed, and the other properties
are left unmodified.

To illustrate the problem, I have attached a trace
file. In the file are 3 requests to the CIMOM and the
corresponding replies:

* The first is a request for an instance of CIM_Person.
Note that both the 'Caption' and 'Description'
properties have values.

* The second is a request to change only the 'Caption'
value from 'Frank' to 'Franky' using setInstance..

* The third request retrieves the instance again. At
this point one can see that the value for the
'Description' property is now empty.

Thanks for looking into this,

Andy Abendschein


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    example of request-response

  • Jim Davis

    Jim Davis - 2005-01-14
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Jim Davis

    Jim Davis - 2005-03-02
    • priority: 7 --> 9

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