
Web-based Asset Tracking System / News: Recent posts

Updates Committed

I haven't had time the last 6 months or so to make any improvements, but I did today. Updates are available immediately via the SVN repository.

It is now possible to edit vendors, and add/delete statuses. I also fleshed out the building status page.

Posted by Ryan Illman 2009-05-26

website posted

I actually got around to making a website for wats. Check it out at

Posted by Ryan Illman 2008-10-16

wats 0.2 released!

I've posted 0.2 to the downloads section. it fixes several issues in the code, as well as some issues with the initial table structure.

Posted by Ryan Illman 2008-09-29

New release coming soon!

Summer crunch will be over in a week or two, at which point I will post an 0.2 release with several bugfixes and small improvements.

If anyone has patches they'd like to submit, do it in the next few days and I'll try to get them into 0.2.

Posted by Ryan Illman 2008-08-26

0.1 Release Added

I've uploaded version 0.1, complete with install instructions.

Posted by Ryan Illman 2008-06-18

Initial Code Loaded

The current version of wats has been uploaded into SVN and may be checked out from

Look for a real release in the next few days.

Posted by Ryan Illman 2008-06-11