
Waterloo / Blog: Recent posts


This contains some MATLAB fixes.

The update fixes the issues with older GUI elements (waterloo demo should now run on newer MATLAB versions).

jcontrol and some GUI elements have been updated to run with the forthcoming HG2 graphics system.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2014-06-28


I have posted a preview of a new version on Waterloo that uses JavaFX throughout.

This is available at

SourceForge is having some problems at present - so I'll post the code and full files in a few days.

Highlights include:

Charts are fully customizable using CSS styling
Charts can be created and customized using the JavaFX FXML markup language
Integrates fully into generic GUI designers such as Oracle JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0
Fully interactive charts with built-in mouse support
Charts can be integrated into Java desktop apps or deployed to the web in HTML (but library users will need to sign the content)
Pure Java core library.... [read more](/p/waterloo/blog/2014/05/waterloofx/)
Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2014-05-21


A further update with:

  • improved GCFrame and supporting Swing classes to support grids of graphs and tabbed panes

  • changes to support Java 7 on Mac where JFileChooser is troublesome

  • some additional fast plot types e.g. cloud plots

  • support to save plots without the accompanying Swing hierarchy

  • logging via the s4j facade so you can choose any supported logging system

There have been some changes to the API but old files should still load. Save them again, once loaded, to update them.... read more

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2014-02-16


An updated zip has been posted as version 1.1RC. The web-site has also been updated.
Includes support for Python, R and SciLab with a new GShell class that provides for use
of portable code across these environments as well as MATLAB.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2013-10-13

Beta build

Yet another beta build.

Now added support for generating animated GIFs using code from Elliot Kroo (

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2013-06-26

Beta build

A new build of the Beta is posted as a zip and synched with the git repo.

This includes a copy of canvg.js r182 - many thanks to Gabe Lerner for his quick fixes to that. I have not minimized the code yet as more meaningful warning/error messages are produced with unminimized code.

This build also fixes an issue with XML serialization of GJRoi instances.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2013-06-25

Beta - relinked

This will not affect MATLAB users (as that ships with Apache Batik) but yesterday's 1.1 Beta post has been relinked with the full Batik distro and a new zip posted. I've been trying to reduce the footprint of Waterloo but had excluded some jars required for stand-alone use of the code.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2013-06-17

Beta available

A Beta build is now available as a zip file.

This includes improved contour plots, polar plot support, area charts, mouse-selectable ROIs etc.

A "Deploy to Web" button in the Graph Editor now supports export to the web as SVG or PDE (Processing) files. This is supported via two new classes: PDEGraphics2D and WSVGGraphics2D.

Plots now include a plotUpdate and plotRedraw method. These have identical effects, but can be overloaded in custom classes, and allow plots to be updated without repainting the graph/graph container.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2013-06-16

Beta posted

A first beta post has been made in a new Git repo at

This includes many new plot types: histograms, area charts, polar plots etc and now supports export to a web page using the Processing language that creates vector graphics output that uses HTML canvas graphics in a web document. Waterloo now exports both the processing script and the accompanying HTML (Note that the GUIs need updating but this is available via the graph editor "web" button if you then select "pde" for export. Further details of that at

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2013-05-16

GIT now available

The source code (currently Alpha3) is now available via GIT using the "Code" link above.

All Java/Groovy modules are there as Netbeans projects together with the MATLAB library etc.

Check out the README.TXT file which details the order to build these in Netbeans to ensure that module dependencies are resolved automatically.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2012-12-02 Labels: GIT

1.1Alpha2 Available

1.1Alpha2 posted.

Contains fixes for sync on loading files, improved consistency for getters/setters of plot properties and uses background threads for some lengthy tasks.

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2012-11-27

Waterloo 1.1 Alpha

An alpha release of Waterloo 1.1 is currently being posted. For details see the project web page at

Posted by Malcolm Lidierth 2012-11-17