

Paul Hancock

Physical Parts List

The ever growing parts list.

[ESP8266 page]

manual pages for the ESP-12E DevKit can be found here.

manual pages for the arduino nano board start here.

[waterpump specs]

[Solar Panel specs] source

[Battery Specs]

[Transistor Specs]

ultrasonic sensor Specs

[Soil Hygrometer]

[DHT11 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor]

5 volt regulator

some discussion about th [pTimer.lua] file here.

Project Members:

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.


Wiki: Battery Specs
Wiki: DHT11 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor
Wiki: ESP8266 page
Wiki: Soil Hygrometer
Wiki: Solar Panel specs
Wiki: Transistor Specs
Wiki: pTimer.lua
Wiki: waterpump specs


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