
WATCHMAN - a php fontend to Motion / News: Recent posts

developer version available at svn

So far so good. First developer version is available and can be checked out from svn.

Watchman is now localized. German and english is available. Detailed installation instructions will follow.

Posted by Martin Hunger 2007-07-29

First screenshot released

Now you can have a first look at WATCHMAN. I have released a screenshot. Please note, that it is in german. An english one will follow soon, maybe with first release of the scripts.

Posted by Martin Hunger 2007-06-19

letter of intent

First documentation is available. It is about the intention of the project and a general feature description.

Please note, that this first document is only available in german language.

Posted by Martin Hunger 2007-06-18

Hello world

WATCHMAN - a php frontend to Motion has just started. I am currently doing jobs parallel. There is of course a planning phase but code development did already start before I set up this project.

Next step will be to submit some initial documentation about the projects goals and features that are planned to implement. I am going to explain (last but not least for myself) why this project has been set up.

Posted by Martin Hunger 2007-06-13