
Speed competition / survey.

  • mattias

    mattias - 2004-06-04

    Hi I would like to know the fastest file transfer speed any one have made (with WASTE).
    So im asking you have any one beaten me?
    Im not talking about some short burst of speed but some time consistent connection speeds.

    This is my record.
    10Mb line the max speed I have retched is 380kb/s.
    0.5Mb line  the max speed I have retched is 22kb/s.

    Any one beating that?  If so why?

    • tomten

      tomten - 2004-06-17

      I get the same results as you.

    • md5chap

      md5chap - 2004-06-17

      the maximum line speed depends on the setting of the connection in waste.
      the "modem" "t3/lan" box is it.
      it determines how many resources to be allocated.
      you can try maximum by enabling bandwidth saturation... :)
      It should keep WASTE from killing networks... ;)


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