
connection problems

  • leisurebeing

    leisurebeing - 2004-06-26

    i'm another one whos trying to connect through a router and on dsl.  i read all the other threads about this an tried everything i can think of but it still does not connect.  (i'm not REALLY computer savvy, but i'm ok.)  i'd just like someone to compile a diffinitive guide for users with routers/dsl.  i'm on a linksys router by the way.

    • jon

      jon - 2004-06-26

      Read the documentation its in there.
      On the next document rev I may add a section for quick router configuring.


      • leisurebeing

        leisurebeing - 2004-06-27

        ok, i understand that i have to open port 1337 on my router for WASTE to connect, but i do not know how to do that.  i have no software installed that allows me to do that on my router.  also, do i need a DNS if i have the router, or do i use the router's IP address.

        sorry for the stupid questions, i'm new at this.

        • jon

          jon - 2004-06-27

          These are not stupid questions.
          Having a "DNS address" like "" will make things easier for you and everyone that is on your network.
          If you don't use such a service than you will need to contact your friend with your new ip every time it changes and the same goes for your friend.

          Opening port 1337 on your router is only half of the job, I will post a few clips from the waste guide for you that will help.
          First you will need to find the manual that your router came with or go to the manufactures website and download the manual for your model of router.

          Basically you are going to have to do a port forward to your internal ip (I.E. your fake ip inside your network).
          I wish I could be more help but each router brand has its own interface for configuring its settings (that and you will never learn anything if I show you every step :)


          Port 1337 huh?
          Yep thats that standard TCP/IP port that waste talks on. To open it you need you go into your router or firewall software and do a port forward (port 1337 to 1337 with both UDP and TCP enabled for that port) to your fake internal IP-address. The IP-address you set your port forward to needs to be a static IP-address, because the IP-address you have now may not be the one you have tomorrow with DHCP. Now I am not saying you should not run DHCP you just need to manually set an IP to the system that is running waste. Depending on what OS you are running the way to see what network settings your DHCP server has given you can differ. After getting your settings (I.E. IP block 192.168.0.***), subnet mask, default gateway, and your DNS servers) you can pick an IP-address thats much higher up than what you have now (like if your using .3 or .5 or even .100s) like IP-address .200 should be safe for most. You can really use any address you want just make sure your DHCP server is not going to give it out (for most people you will never use more than 10 IP-addresses).

          Ok how do I setup a DNS service now?
          First you need to sign-up for a dynamic DNS service to forward your IP-address to a DNS server. Then you need to find a DNS updating client that will work with your DNS service. The web site you get your service from will have a list of clients with various features; you may need to try a few clients in to find the one that works for you. IF your running Windows NT, 2000 or XP try to get a version that runs the DNS updating client as a service so it can run in the background. You need to leave the service running all the time so it can update your IP-address as it needs to, dont worry it uses very little system resources and very little bandwidth.

          Where can I find such a service?
          Well just about anywhere on the Internet, a google search for an IP poster, dynamic DNS, or DNS hosting will get you some kind of service that will do the job. Here are a few options for that you can try:

          This is a good fee service but the web site has adds.

          This is my preferred service, it lets you update your IP every 10 min. but it costs a one-time fee of $5.

          This is another good free service but they only let you update your IP-address every few hours.

          • leisurebeing

            leisurebeing - 2004-06-28

            oh, man, thanks for all the help.  i finally figured it out.  i didn't know how to modify settings on my router.  seriously, thanks again man.

    • PacketCollision

      PacketCollision - 2004-06-28

      With 1.5 it's not as necessary to do the whole dynamic DNS thing, unless you want to be able to give people an address that will always connect them to the network.  WASTE 1.5 is now able to figure out your correct external (real) IP, and broadcast that, with any changes that are caused by reconnects. 


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