
Linux server can't find share dir

  • Daniel Rodriguez

    Hey all:

    I'm setting up a small WASTE network for me and a couple of close friends to share files, artwork, writings and the like, and as I am the only one in the group who has a steady on-all-the-time broadband connection, I wanted to set up the linux server version of WASTE on my home box so the others could always at least find one person to connect to stably, and use my machine as a main sharing server to leave files for other folks when they're not logged in, stuff like that.

    I managed to get it to compile and brought over the* files from my Windows install, and its own private key and all that.. and I get it to come up, and my friends can connect to it just fine, however, I can't get it to share any files on my machine. It always givex me the following error:

    C_FileDB::DoScan(): error calling findfirstfile(\home\katsushiro\)!

    I've tried going into my default.pr0 file and changing the paths in there, to several different directories, using quotes, etc, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas as to how I can get it to properly share out a directory from my linux box? Thanks in advance!


    • Arrowmaster

      Arrowmaster - 2004-02-23

      unless thats an nfs share i dont think that will work, try mounting the share to a directory on the server and sharing that local directory

      oh and how did you get it to compile???? ill admit im sorta newb when it comes to compiling on linux but i know for one that what i downloaded didnt come with any make files or anything like that, didnt even come with a README

    • PacketCollision

      PacketCollision - 2004-06-22

      you have to use forward slashes "/" not backslashes "\" in linux.  That should fix your problem.

      If you have trouble compiling (I never could get the original linux server working) try the "wasted" version, I had much more luck with that.  Or, try the new official linux server, it's precompiled.  Just make sure you chmod all the files in the archive +x ("chmod 775 *").  You can run the new version as a daemon by typing ./start in the directory where you unzipped it.  Just make sure you have the* files in the same directory.

    • md5chap

      md5chap - 2004-06-22

      readme files & better docu will come later....
      I am pretty busy with coding right now...

      • PacketCollision

        PacketCollision - 2004-06-22

        I would be interested in helping with documentation.  How can I become part of the team?


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