
Kill connection

  • Sten Anderson

    Sten Anderson - 2010-04-19

    Hi, is there a possibility to kill the connection between the 2 computers (client and server) completely using WANem? At the moment I am able to add packet loss 100% which almost does the trick, but it doesn't cut out the connection completely. I am able to use routing only on one side, because I don't have admin access to the server machine.

    My setup:
    client -> wanem -> server

  • M K Nambiar

    M K Nambiar - 2010-04-22

    In the Advanced Setting GUI you can use various disconnect options - one of IDLe timer or  random disconnection with the tcp-reset option.


  • Sten Anderson

    Sten Anderson - 2010-04-22

    Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I have already tried these options and none of them produced any effect. I figured they are not working because the routing is only defined one way. All the other options like delay, loss and bandwidth work fine but none of the disconnection options work.

  • M K Nambiar

    M K Nambiar - 2010-04-23

    Would like to know the specifics.

    What settings you tried etc - I can try to reproduce it in my lab.


  • Sten Anderson

    Sten Anderson - 2010-04-23

    Tried both Random disconnect and Random connection disconnect with MTTF Low 1 MTTF High 10 MTTR Low 5 MTTR High 10 Type tcp-reset

  • M K Nambiar

    M K Nambiar - 2010-05-17

    That should work.

    I hope you are also setting one of other characteristics like Loss, Latency etc …….

    Other wise the GUI will report an error like "ACTION FAILED: To use disconnect type on eth0 atleast one out of Delay, Loss, Corruption, Reordering or Bandwidth should be set to a valid non-zero value "

    So in addition to your settings I also added 5 ms of delay.

    Then I ssh from 1 server to another via WANem and I can see the results.


  • Sten Anderson

    Sten Anderson - 2010-05-17

    Yeah, ofcourse I added a small delay also. All the settings were applied without errors. Weird…

  • Steve Smoot

    Steve Smoot - 2010-05-27

    Is this really open source?  The Browse CVS function doesn't work, and the CVS anonymous commands prompt for a password(!) which isnt in the description.  How does one get to the source?

  • Erdem

    Erdem - 2012-12-11


    I have the same promlem. WANem 2.1 is working on WMPlayer.

    Disconnect commands are not working. conntrack: command not found message is given when i write the wanemreset command.

    Is there any solution or method to be able to use Disconnect funtions?

    Have you found any

  • buzzLightYear

    buzzLightYear - 2012-12-12

    I presume that you are using VM Player. In that case, try restarting WANem

  • buzzLightYear

    buzzLightYear - 2012-12-12

    Also, I suggest you try the version 2.3


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