
WANem does not apply settings

  • Martin

    Martin - 2011-07-21


    First I would like to say that I really enjoy this software.

    I used the LiveCD for some time and it worked very well. Then I decided I would try to install it on one of our servers, which is running a lot of virtual servers via Hyper V manager. The installation went smoothly and everything works as it should, with one exception: Whenever I try to apply delay, or any other settings, the interface refreshes and then it says "WANem commands successfully created", but the "delay"-field is empty.

    I use WANem 2.3.

    Do you know why it won't apply any settings?

  • buzzLightYear

    buzzLightYear - 2011-07-21

    Thanks much for an encouraging comments.
    I take it that you are using the 'Basic Mode' when making the changes. See, if the settings are getting applied by pinging the WANem machine.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2011-07-21

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    I forgot to mention that it is both in Basic and Advanced mode that no setting can be applied. Also I was pinging the WANem machine while attempting to apply settings - ping remained the same.

  • Mike S

    Mike S - 2011-07-21

    I am also encountering this issue.  I installed to a workstation hard drive, and it all seemed to go pretty smoothly.  I brought up the WANem GUI and tried to apply delay in both Basic and Advanced mode.  It would say that the command was successful, and it would say that WANem is running with the Stop WANem button, but the delay field would be reset to zero.  Also, if I clicked on the Check current status button, it would say "No running WANem rules on any interface".

    Please advise. 

  • buzzLightYear

    buzzLightYear - 2011-07-21

    Looks like the WANem installation, although went smoothly was not succesful. Something got missed out during the installation. Checkout the apache error logs for further debugging.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2011-07-22

    Flossuser, could you please advice how do to this? I am a new user to Linux, so I almost need you to hold my hand while explaining :-)

    Again, thanks for the fast reply.

    Regards, Martin

  • Martin

    Martin - 2011-07-28

    I guess there is no solution to this issue other than wait for an updated version, if that will happen. I just think it's strange that no one ever tried to install it to a hard drive before.

    Regards, Martin

  • Martin

    Martin - 2011-08-03

    Thanks, but I am already aware of the content of those links. I even used the first guide when installing WANem. Using VMware Player is not an option, since Hyper V is our only virtualization solution.

    Regards, Martin

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-07-29

    Same issue here. Ping is fine, can load ip GUI and apply settings but settings dont take effect and delay is empty. Any one knows a solution?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-07-29

    Version 2.3 installed on HD has this issue... dont yet know a solution or why this happens. It works fine from LIVE CD.


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