Retep Kawon - 2014-04-08


as the virtual appliance of WANem 2.3 is for VMware I'm looking for a way to get WANem 2.3 running as a permanent Virtual Box VM to prevent reentering the setup after rebooting. I've tried this, it describes how to get it for WANem 3.0 very nice by using the 0wn command of Knoppix.
Unfortunately for WANem 2.3 it does not work. By running 0wn I have 3 option to install on hdd, "multiuser, "likecd" (copy to hd with grub) and "tohd" (copy compressed Knoppix image to hd (boot from CD)).
By choosing "multiuser" I end up with a Linux with some error messages and a login prompt. There is no WANemControl@PERC> prompt and no configuration steps as by booting from CD.
By choosing "likecd" I end up with a Linux with some more error messages and logged in as root. The same here, no WANemControl@PERC> prompt and no configuration steps.
The third choice a did't try as it boots from CD it's nearly the same as using it without copying to hd.

Any ideas how to get WANem as A Virtual Box VM that remermbers the settings after reboot?