
SSH access to WANem 3.0

  • Richard

    Richard - 2019-06-19

    What is the rationale behind disabling remote access to the WANem system? We used SSH to configure and run scripts to simulate WAN issues, and this can't really be done under 3.0 due to the lack of shell support. The so-called "Remote Terminal" is a farce in that you can't really edit files. Common keys such as Ctl-U and Backspace don't work. Up arrow for commad recall doesn't work. I don't know how this can be considered a replacement for SSH access.

  • Heath Harry

    Heath Harry - 2019-08-10

    it can be re-enabled, by adding the ssh service to rc.local as below.

    root@WANem_3-0:~# cat /etc/rc.local
    # rc.local
    # Start local services after hardware detection
    SERVICES="apache2 ajaxterm ssh networking"
    for i in $SERVICES; do
     [ -x /etc/init.d/"$i" ] && /etc/init.d/"$i" start >/dev/null 2>&1
    exit 0

    not sure why it was disabled in version 3, but agree the WANem shell is not usefull at all.


    Last edit: Heath Harry 2019-08-10
  • Kay Pee

    Kay Pee - 2019-09-11

    Thanks Heath


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