
WANem 3.0 beta HD install

  • Andrey

    Andrey - 2013-06-20

    Trying to install WANem to the HD as a result of:

    in this freezes
    Help me please

    • Pravin

      Pravin - 2014-06-05

      Try restarting the virtual machine. It should work

  • Nooshin

    Nooshin - 2014-06-04

    Hi Andrey,

    According to the readme file, this option is in "Preferences --> WANem HD install". I opened the .iso of version 3 in VMplayer but didn't find that.
    Where did you start that and could you finish it successfully?


    • Pravin

      Pravin - 2014-06-05

      You are looking at the right location. If you are not able to find then you may want to try the 0wn command (number zero followed by wn) command from root (and not the WANem) prompt

  • Christoph

    Christoph - 2014-07-29


    I tried to install WANem 3.0 Beta 2 in a VM. Unfortunately the VM freezes at startup when booting the kernel (which is the last message on the screen).

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

    Thanks in advance, Christoph

  • frefal

    frefal - 2014-08-13

    Hello, I have the same problem. Any solution?

  • KaMiKa

    KaMiKa - 2014-08-25

    Had the same issue.
    When you create the VM you should choose an IDE disk and not an ISCSI disk.


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