
problem while adding routes

  • Sandeep  Sharma

    Sandeep Sharma - 2011-07-27


    I have to test connectivity between client and server where both are Linux machines and are under the same broadcast domain. When I  try to add static routes using WANem IP as gateway, it is throwing error "Network not reachable" however the same works when I use other machine as gateway. Is there any configuration to be done on WANem for this? WANem is in a different network.


  • buzzLightYear

    buzzLightYear - 2011-07-27

    Hi Sandeep,
    Help me understand what is that you are trying to achive. What do you mean you want to test connectivity between two machines in same broadcast domain? If that is the objective, why do you need WANem? Can you not test the connectivity using ping command or so?
    Please elaborate what are you trying to achive.


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